Guide to Interior Design For Beginners: Find Your Unique Style

Learn the Styles

When first starting out in the world of interior design it can be confusing to know the style that suits you. Luckily, there are many different styles to choose from when decorating a home or space. However, to even begin designing the perfect space you need to be somewhat familiar with some of the more common styles. Each style has its own unique aspects and features, while also sharing similarities with others. Here are some of the more popular interior design styles to help you find something that is unique to you.


The broad sweeping stroke of the term Modern, in terms of interior design, includes almost anything with sleek lines and a more simplistic color scheme. Modern styles avoid the clutter of frivolous decorations and often use bold art to accent the space. Furnishings with clean lines, that often include metal and glass, are the benchmark of Modern interior design. Modern design is closely related to both Contemporary and Minimalist design styles.


Contemporary, by definition, is something that occurs in the present and is always evolving. Contemporary interior design is one of simplicity, much like Modern design. It focuses on neutrals like blacks, whites, and grays. The furniture usually features bare legs and clean lines to create an open and airy space, while utilizing metal and glass to brighten the space.


Minimalist design is very much “less is more” in decorating style. While it favors the same color palate as Contemporary and Modern, it utilizes a more utilitarian approach. Every furnishing in the space must be functional, which is why most pieces of furniture will serve more than one purpose such as hidden storage in a coffee table.

Shabby Chic

Oddly enough, Shabby Chic is not a recent style, it originated in the 18th century then evolved into what we know today. At the heart of shabby chic interior design is vintage pieces that are usually passed down in families or bought used. The signature look of shabby chic is “distressed” furnishings. It is closely associated with French country style, with very soft floral designs and muted colors but differs in the usual use of contrasting accents that are more glamorous. In all, Shabby Chic creates a cozy yet elegant feeling in a space.

French Country

French Country, as mentioned previously, is a design cousin to Shabby Chic as it leans more towards the past with timeless antique furniture, and floral fabrics. However, it is just as likely to feature dark reds, blues, and golds, as it is pastels. Where Shabby Chic has a homelike coziness mixed with a bit of elegance, French Country is more of antique elegance with splashes of home-y comfort.


Bohemian, or BoHo, got its start in 19th century France by artists of all walks who valued creativity above all else. Which is why it is one of the more creative, yet unconventional design styles that emerged from their various cultures and their need to be nonconformists. It wholeheartedly embraces the chaos of bright colors and complex patterns layered together. In a way, Bohemian is the opposite of minimalism, seemingly without structure and flaunting its functionless decorations.

Hollywood Glam

The origins of Hollywood Glam dates back to the golden age of Hollywood in the 1920’s and 1930’s. The key aspects are rich textures, bold statements, and vibrant colors. It also leans heavily on Art Deco themes, and mirrored furniture. When a room, or a home, needs to make a bold statement, this is a way to do it. Because Hollywood Glam IS elegance, drama, luxury, and sophistication.


Industrial design style emerged out of necessity, which is quite fitting. When large, sturdy factories stopped being used for their intended purpose in the 19th and 20th centuries, a new purpose had to be found. One of the key elements of Industrial interior design is the proud display of the bones of the building, the things that are usually hidden away such as rafters, pipes, duct work, and brick. Industrial is one of the most flexible styles, and can be combined with other design styles to tone down the harshness of these elements.


Eclectic is arguably the most difficult, yet inclusive style of any on this list. It pulls pieces from all different types of interior design style and is great for people who love individual pieces rather than a specific style. However, it is the most difficult to pull off in a cohesive way. If done incorrectly, combining opposing styles can lead to clashing and it would be tacky and incredibly disjointed rather than a beautiful and seamless merging of styles.

Learn Your Style

The best way to find your own unique style is by looking at your favorite belongings, including clothing. Look at the colors you gravitate towards. Do you prefer solids, or patterns? Do you like bold statements, or do you prefer something more timeless? By looking at these other elements you may see a pattern that leads you towards Hollywood Glam, or a mix of Industrial, and Bohemian. Then, try exposing yourself to all of the different interior design styles out there. Not just the ones on the list, but all of them. Maybe you’ll find that you actually prefer Scandinavian, or Traditional Styles. You won’t know what you like until you have seen it.

Ultimately, finding your unique style isn’t about conforming to what a particular style is. It’s about finding pieces that you love and matching them together in a way that is an outward representation of yourself. Whether it is Modern, Bohemian, Industrial, Shabby Chic or anything in between your style is one that is uniquely you. At ATYHomeDecor, you’ll easily find everything you need to complete your unique style for your home or office.